Career Summit & Job Fair
February 12, 2009 | By | Category: Career Summit & Job FairReinvent yourself at the ONA Career Summit & Job Fair.
Newbie and seasoned vet alike: Learn how to parlay your journalism skills into new jobs or careers and which digital skills are must-haves. Discover how to find opportunities and navigate the job market, and meet one-on-one with recruiters from major media companies.
Hear from pros and employers on such topics as:
- creative thinking and practical assessment of your career and job path
- how others made the transition and have lived to talk about it
- where the jobs are for digital journalists
- the skills a wide range of cutting-edge companies want and need
Attendees: Registration for the Career Summit & Job Fair — $25 for ONA members, $50 for non-members — is now open. For more information, visit our Welcome Attendees page.
Recruiters: Meet one on one with digital media and tech professionals who have the skills and the smarts to succeed in your company — all gathered for a full day of career development hosted by the world’s largest organization of online journalists. For more information, visit the Recruiter FAQ.
You won’t want to miss this, so mark your calendar for Thursday, Oct. 1.