Share your thoughts on ONA09, win an iPod nano
Oct 12th, 2009 | By | Category: General NewsIf you attended ONA09, you can win an iPod nano by filling out our conference survey.
If you attended ONA09, you can win an iPod nano by filling out our conference survey.
By Jessica Estepa The buzz word at ONA09 was entrepreneurship. Twitter CEO Evan Williams encouraged it. Tech Guy Leo Laporte said he believed it was the future. Several sessions discussed how to transition from the “journalist” role to the “entrepreneur” role. The Student Newsroom sought out entrepreneurs at the conference, ranging from a Knight News […]
A collection of linking tools that enables journalists to complement their original reporting, a hyperlocal site covering a Seattle neighborhood and a small site that covers a big city were the winners of the three newest categories at the 2009 Online Journalism Awards Banquet.
By Kate Kilpatrick
The former The New York Times and current Facebook designer shares a few of his favorite things.
By Anna Bloom
As part of the 2009 Online News Association Conference, the student newsroom conducted a live poll. Using Poll Everywhere, over two days, we asked people to text or tweet their response to the question: What will save journalism?
By Armand Emamdjomeh
Abandoning the typical lecture format, Ryan Sholin and Scott Karp prompted a conversation among approximately 40 journalists at one of two “Unconference” sessions Saturday at ONA09.
By Juana Summers
Amy Webb defines the leading edge of a field known for innovation. The digital media consultant, writer and adviser shares her favorite tech trends.
By Austin Fast
The big search engines are trying to keep a secret from you: how to improve your Web site’s ranking in search results. Find out ways to outwit the algorithms and boost your site to the top of the list.
By Lauren Gentile
ONA09 offers conferees an explosion of information, products and services. A student journalist offers five bytes she picked up at the conference.
By Armand Emamdjomeh
Blog. Some journalists say it’s their favorite four-letter word. Others can’t stand to hear it. The ONA student newsroom asked several journalists in the “blogging bar” at ONA09 “what do you blog about and why?”